Love letters

Self love is as important as loving others. You are a diamond. You can bury a diamond in trash and it’s still a diamond. Unbury your diamond and shine! 

Write a love letter to yourself. 


One of my love letters to me:

Dear Jojo,

I remember who you are and so do you. Remember that your cup is filled to overflowing and that there is no shortage of love. There will always be enough love for you and others, so give it away freely being an example of love and light as you walk through each day. The path before you is filled with abundance. Walk with your head up and your eyes open so you can experience and enjoy the miracles all around you.

Love, Jodi


My body aches from sobbing.
I’ve drained more of the poison from inside me.
By speaking the unspeakable I experienced a release like none I’d felt before.
Hidden behind a wall of hurt, fear, tears and tantrums was stillness.
I felt arms holding me.
I cried and cried, letting the tears wash me clean.
Then the demon was standing before me, weakened from the exorcism.
In its place, a presence seeps into my every cell.
Love. Wisdom. Peace. Intelligence. Beauty. Creativity. Joy

Four Letter Word

I said the word.
Love. I couldn’t take it back.
Or explain it wasn’t like that.
I think I heard his heart stop beating.
I felt the muscles in his body sink like lead balloons.
I heard his mind close and his heart slam shut.
I forgot love means different things to different people.
Maybe for him love was frozen, heavy as lead,
closed off and shut tight.
It made me sad because
for me, love is illuminating light,
like drinking sunshine.
It doesn’t sink; it lifts.
It is friendship,
caring and affectionate
for no other reason than sharing the heart and soul of who and what we really are: LOVE!

No eyes needed

Juicy sweet spaces in my brain,
too delicious to comprehend.
Beauty and terror in my expansiveness.
Who do you see there?
As the wind blows and the waves crash,
what secrets and shames rot your soul?
In the deepest parts of the ocean
things don’t need eyes, only feeling.
A low rumbling vibration soothes and resonates unseen creatures.
Must you see to believe?

My dear ones…..

Joyful news weighs down my heart.
Another mouth to feed;
this will be four.
My dear ones,
I gaze upon you with a heavy heart ashamed of my deepest secrets.
Must I carry the burden of responsibility for these lives?
I provide clothing, food and shelter.
I look upon them with fondness, too,
but still this resentment nags at my gut
Resentment for a lifetime of caring for others.
Mother, brother, sisters
and now a wife and children.
How can I ever be happy carrying this burden?
Only ever happy at work
earning money to provide
for these mouths to feed.
My dear ones,
graduate and get out of my house.

Drinking Sunshine

I said the word.
“Thanks for the love.”
I think I heard
his heart stop beating.
I felt the muscles in his body
sink like lead balloons.
I heard his mind close
and his heart slam shut.
I forgot love means different things to different people.
Maybe for him love was frozen,
heavy as lead,
closed off and shut tight.
It made me sad because
for me, love is illuminating light;
like drinking sunshine.
It doesn’t empty; it fills.
It doesn’t sink; it lifts.
It is friendship,
caring and affectionate
for no other reason than sharing the heart and soul of who and what we really are:

Sucker Punch

Just because you want something
doesn’t mean you should have it.
Chaos or discord do your actions cause.
I took what I wanted.
I took it with precision, with intent, and with disregard.
My success was in my precision.
My folly was in my intent and in my careless disregard.
As if my actions it would not affect me.
In the end I got what I deserved:
A meal made from crow and humble pie.
Now, I look straight ahead,
I avoid eye contact.
I show no emotion.
I keep it clean and sterile.
I work hard not to feel
the constant sucker punch to my gut.
It is not love.
It is my heartbreak, my folly,
my foolishness.

Distorted World

When I walk by I know they are looking at me.
Expecting me to enter,
and be out of breath and sticky
from opening the door and walking inside.
It is because of my substance?
Is your disapproving stare intended to strip me of my dignity?
Who decided what you are is beautiful?

Authors Note:
This piece isn’t about size (being ‘fat’) but about substance;
about what we present to the world and how the world responds.
A person in a body referred to as ‘overweight’ is an easy way
to paint the picture but predjudeces are all around and within.
Let us be kind to ourselves and others. We are only love; let us be fat with love!!!


Orange and yellow,
purple and blue.
I see colors when I’m loving you.

From deep inside
the wave rolls.
What will it look like this time?

Yellow like honeycomb.
Orange like a flame.
Purple and blue burst like a vein.

Fuchsia smears across my brain.
Red surges through me like blood.
Greens ripple across the landscape.

Touching the delta,
I connect to the source
that made me capable of receiving.